Sorry friends! I have really let my blog slip into "never, never land"! I have not been very disciplined at keeping up to date this winter but I'm going to try to get you all caught up a bit! I will not be going to the Mount Pleasant Old Thresher's Reunion this year. Staying away from home that many days has gotten really expensive and just wears this old lady out! I will be doing some local shows this fall/winter and also the big show at The Varied Industries Building at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines the week-end before Thanksgiving. If you see anything on my blog that you would like to inquire about, please feel free to catch me on facebook or leave me a message here.
It has been a very hot, dry summer and I am really looking forward to fall. It's my favorite time of the year! Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer and I hope you enjoy my new projects! I'll be adding more as I get them finished! I'll leave you with these thoughts:
Look back and thank God. Look forward and trust God. Look around and serve God. Look within and find God! God closes doors no man can open and God opens doors no man can close.
Mary, love your thoughts and also would like the snowman candle. Megan clyman