Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow, Snow, Go Away!

Everyone knows I LOVE snowmen!  I love to paint them, that is!  The urge to make one left me about 30 years ago!  Here in town we had about 20" of snow with drifts that were 4-5 Ft tall.  The whole town was without power from 1 pm Tuesday until about 10 am Wednesday.  We have alternative heat in my house but most people didn't. My husband and I played cards by candlelight and then hunkered down in our recliners all snuggled up in our blankies and talked about what life must have been like before electricity.  I enjoyed it. Maybe we should have our power shut down once in a while so people will listen to each other instead of the television or computer?  Just sayin'! 

I work at a newspaper office, a free trader publication, and our press day is Wednesday.  I've been there for over 5 years and the one rule has always been "If you miss work on a Wednesday, it better be because you're dead".  My supervisor, our receptionist and I are the only employees who live in town where the office is located.  You guessed it!  My supervisor and I were the only ones who were able to get to the office and it was hard work getting there!  In the first two pics my wonderful hubbie is digging me a path to the road so I can catch a ride to the office!  The bottom picture is what I found when I got there with one change.....there was no shoveled path and I had to climb over the snow to get in the door!  You've heard of that fine line?  I think I crossed it!!  The good news is that another employee made it in around 3 that day and the three of us managed to get the paper to the press and I was back home by 8 pm. 

We had some wonderful farmers come to town with their tractors to dig our streets out as well as helpful neighbors who helped people dig out their driveways.  Living in a small town definitely has it's advantages!  A big thank you for the help!   I have had enough snow and am now ready for Spring! I'm lookin' for red winged black birds!

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